India Uncut

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Friday, May 13, 2005

Blogging on television

It turns out that Peter Griffin was also shot by CNBC, and he was also blogging as he was shot, just as I had been. At least the reporter can now be in no doubt about what bloggers do – they blog. The show can be seen tonight at 10.30 pm, tomorrow night at 11.30 pm, and at 11 am on Sunday. It is masochistic of me to tell you the times, because my soundbytes were terrible. Blinded by lights and fazed by the camera, I blabbered I know not what, and I'm not sure my words came out too coherently. Perhaps they won't show me and will stick to Peter and Rajesh Jain, another interviewee, which will be quite the right thing to do. Print is less excruciating; at least you can blame it on the writer if you make a fool of yourself.
amit varma, 12:53 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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