India Uncut

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Help! I'm being shot ...

As I type these words, a CNBC cameraman is poised above me taking overhead shots of me blogging. Some sound bytes were taken from me a few minutes ago, and this story should appear on a show called Trendmill, 10.30 pm on Friday and 11 am on Sunday.

I was fairly articulate in my brief chat with the reporter before the interview, but rambled incoherently during it. Unlike some American bloggers, I don't think I have it in me to become a talking head on TV anytime soon. Never mind, blogging is fun enough, and at least I'm completely in control of what comes out.

Anyway, if you see stock shots of me typing on TV, you'll know that it was this.

Eeks. Extreme close-up of my face being taken now. If you see a look of distaste on my face, you'll know what I was doing: typing these words, for you. I am certain you don't feel privileged.
amit varma, 3:30 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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