India Uncut

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Monday, May 09, 2005

My email policy

It is rude not to reply to email, and I am forced to be rude quite often these days. On some days, I get upwards of 50 emails from readers of India Uncut and The Middle Stage, and it becomes logistically difficult to reply to each one. I hate this situation. If someone takes the trouble of writing a three-four-or-more para mail to me, it is discourteous to not acknowledge it with a brief reply, but often it gets too much for me. With the pressures of blogging, my consulting job at Cricinfo, and the other writing I am trying to do, I cannot reply to all the emails I get. So here are some things I’d like you to keep in mind if you wish to write to me:

1. I read every single email that I get, and I appreciate the time you put in to write them.

2. I may not reply to your mail. Please don’t be offended. No disrespect is intended.

3. I will assume, except in the case of an obviously personal mail from a friend, that everything you write to me may be quoted in my blog. If you wish otherwise, please indicate that in your email.

4. If I link to a piece you have pointed out to me, I will generally give a hat tip in your direction. If you have a blog or website you’d like me to link to your name while doing so, please indicate what that is. (Note that often, I may already have come across that piece or been pointed to it by someone else. In that case, no hat tip.)

5. At the first sign of abuse in an email, whether directed at me or someone else, I click on “move to trash”.

6 To reiterate, my not responding to an email by you is not an indication of any lack of enjoyment or enlightenment on my part, but simply a lack of time.

Thank you for your patronage.
amit varma, 4:19 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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