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Monday, May 09, 2005

Come, let's make saris

The majority of condoms manufactured in India are used not to make love but to make saris. AP reports:
Only a quarter of condoms made in India are used for sex, most of the others are used to make saris, toys and bathroom slippers, a newspaper reported on Saturday.

The condoms are valuable to manufacturers because of the lubricant on them. Sari weavers place the condoms on their thread spools and the lubricant on the prophylactics is rubbed off on the thread, making it move faster through their sewing machines, the newspaper quoted an Indian industry official as saying.

This was actually reported by the BBC a year ago, in a story by Nivedita Pathak that also listed some other uses condoms are put to. For example, they are used by villagers to carry water in fields ("my water carrier is bigger than yours"), for waterproofing ceilings, and they are sometimes "placed over the ends of guns to protect them in desert sandstorms". Yes, real guns. Not euphemisms.
amit varma, 2:22 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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