India Uncut

This blog has moved to its own domain. Please visit IndiaUncut.com for the all-new India Uncut and bookmark it. The new site has much more content and some new sections, and you can read about them here and here. You can subscribe to full RSS feeds of all the sections from here. This blogspot site will no longer be updated, except in case of emergencies, if the main site suffers a prolonged outage. Thanks - Amit.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Bloglines confusion

Bloglines is quite the best way to read blogs, but I've been a bit confused with it of late. Among the many feeds I subscribe to is my own, and it shows India Uncut as having 113 subscribers. But a friend told me yesterday that he just subscribed to my blog and he found that I have 5 subscribers.

So I opened a new Bloglines account, and found that my blog has three feeds available. http://www.indiauncut.blogspot.com/atom.xml has 5 subscribers, http://indiauncut.blogspot.com.blogspot.com/atom.xml has 15, and http://indiauncut.blogspot.com/atom.xml has 113 subscribers. Of these, only the last is listed in my Blogger settings as my site feed.

Does anyone know what's going on?
amit varma, 1:19 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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