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Monday, April 25, 2005

I don't smoke cigars

So reveals Anjali Doshi of India Today in a story that is apparently up here (I've only seen it in print, the link requires a password). There is also a big photograph of mine, in which the cigar I had in my mouth has been artfully photoshopped out. An urban myth, of my not smoking cigars, has been created, and soon I will be endorsing all kinds of non-cigars. A legion of wannabe bloggers, following blindly in my hollowed (not hallowed) footsteps without possessing my non-lungs, will be puffing away at non-cigars, and writing non-sense. Like this paragraph.

The article reveals, by the way, that the Hurree Babu who writes that excellent blog, Kitabkhana, is actually Nilanjana Roy. That revelation reduces the diversity of the Indian blogosphere in my mind, because India's best book critic writing India's best lit blog is too, well, expected. Couldn't Hurree Babu have been an unknown banker or something, starving in a luxurious attic, ignored by the likes of Roy? Where's the romance?

I also know who Putu, Bridal and Prufrock are, but I'm not telling. So there.

PS: I am not implying, by the way, that I smoke cigars. Reality is irrelevant; the myth is out there.
amit varma, 5:17 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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