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Thursday, May 12, 2005

Only nine licenses

In the course of an email discussion with Bruno Mascarenhas, who objected to some of my libertarian views, I said: “I am against making a guy in a village or small town get 10 licences to open a paan shop and pay hafta thereon to a cop. The biggest obstacle to removing poverty in India today is the license raj.”

Bruno then decided to check if 10 licenses were really required, or I was exaggerating. It turned out that only nine licences are required. Bruno wrote:
I think you are right. To open a small coffee-cum-tiffin shop in a village you need certificates from:

1. Police
2. Dept of Public Health - Sanitary Certificate - you are preparing food
3. Revenue Dept - For Land
4. Survey dept
5. Registration dept (if you are buying the land)
6. Commercial Taxes
7. Service Tax
8. Sales Tax (when few goods come under different category)
9. Public Distribution - for stocking more than few kilograms

Hmm... maybe there is a 10th licence also!

Phew. Thanks, Bruno.
amit varma, 1:26 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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