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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Breathe into me

Drunk cops are running havoc in Mumbai, and you'd expect that authorities would take some steps to ensure that policemen don't come to work drunk. Well, yes. Mid Day reports:
Unfortunately, not one of Mumbai’s 17 railway police stations has a breathalyser, so the tests have to be done in the somewhat unappealing exhale-into-my-face style.

“All officers and constables are required to line up while the senior police inspector checks their breath for the smell of alcohol,” said senior police inspector Pandurang More of the Borivli railway police.

The practice has already started to show results, but not the kind the police were hoping for. Since the breath tests started, a significant number of cops have been calling in sick.

“Some compulsive drinkers may have decided to stay home instead of being penalised for reporting to work drunk,” said Khopade.

In case you're interested, Mid Day even has a picture of one such test being conducted. Such fun.
amit varma, 6:08 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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