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Thursday, May 12, 2005

The decline of Mumbai

Samar Halarnkar writes in the Indian Express:
Today, a period of great decline is upon Mumbai. Its physical collapse is visible in its endlessly clogged roads, declining quality of life and jampacked trains. Worse, its spirit is flagging: for the first time, women feel unsafe; the feeling of leading stressed, deadend lives is widespread; and its objects of romance — the red BEST buses, the suburban trains — have become symbols of stagnation.

Consider some random facts. In the last six days, nine people killed themselves: HIV patients shunned by society, students who could not cope, and the regulars on the list, unemployed mill workers. In the last four months, 50 policemen have died, mostly from stress-related ailments. These are not just personal stories of defeat and ill health. In the fine print of individual cases you will find illustrations of how a collapsing city can no longer provide physical comfort or a sense of well-being to its citizens.

It’s a fine piece, read the full thing.

Also read: Uma Mahadevan-Dasgupta’s views here and here, and Charukesi Ramadurai’s take here.
amit varma, 1:24 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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