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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Let there be plight
JA Prufrock (as opposed to JA Prufrock; someone get these guys together to party) informs us that the The Catholic Bishop's Conference of India is upset at the Hindustan Times. Why so? Because, according to this agencyfaqs! report, HT has "borrowed a quotation: 'Let there be light' from the Old Testament of the Bible." They are also pissed off at a recent television commercial for Rin, which shows Amitabh Bachchan in a cassock.
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people continue to die of AIDS in Africa because of the Catholic Church's opposition to using condoms. But that, I presume, is the will of God.
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people continue to die of AIDS in Africa because of the Catholic Church's opposition to using condoms. But that, I presume, is the will of God.