India Uncut

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

"Help! My child is being attacked by a shark!"

Oh, I love Dave Barry. Last night I met a bunch of bloggers at Shiok in Bangalore -- I'm here till Friday, working on a top-secret project to accelerate global warming -- and at one point we started discussing Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys (we even contemplated the book as being about 'guys' in the Hindi sense). Deepak Shenoy, who runs a software company by day besides writing four blogs, mentioned that he'd send me a terrific take by Barry on The Da Vinci Code.

And so he has. Check this out, it's fantastic.

And by the by, the other bloggers present were Gautam, Prabhu, Lahar, Suman and, of course, MadMan. Large quantities of cocktails were brutally ravaged. I'm beginning to like Bangalore.
amit varma, 5:28 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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