India Uncut

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

People with contextual advertising

Why should only websites have contextual advertising? Why can't people also have contextual advertising? For example, you see me at a mall and think, "Ah, that guy looks cute. I wonder what he's like." And then you see text ads floating around my head.

So you click on one mentally -- this involves staring at it and sort of blinking purposefully -- and wherever that link is leading, poof, it's instantly internalised. One of the links around my head would presumably say "India Uncut," so when you click on that -- blink etc -- you know it all, every word on my blog.

In return you lose a piece of your soul. That's my payout. And I collect pieces of people's souls, and whenever I'm interested in someone, and click on their links, I lose bits of mine. So here we all are, collections of fragments of souls walking around searching for completeness.

Pah, I must stop being so sentimental. I think it's lack of sleep that does this.
amit varma, 11:39 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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