India Uncut

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Raising Hellborg

Nikhil Pahwa informs me that Jonas Hellborg and his band will be performing in Mumbai, as part of a festival of jazz, on November 19, at the Homi Bhabha Auditorium in Colaba, 7pm onwards. Going by this report of a recent performance, it should be fun.

The entire festival, by and by, runs from November 17 to November 20. The Core, Solid, The Charlie Mariano Trio and the Kim Menzer Quartet are some of the other acts that will perform. If you have any details of the Delhi schedule for this festival, please do email Nikhil at nixxinATgmailDOTcom and let him know.

Update: The Delhi details are here.
amit varma, 1:34 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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