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Friday, June 17, 2005

Getting rid of garbage

In response to my rubbish post (that's not a value judgement), Jim O'Neil writes in:
It may be only an urban legend, I didn't verify it personally... but when I lived in New York City back in the early sixties during a garbage men's strike around Christmas, some folks took to wrapping their garbage up like Christmas presents, ribbons, bows and all, then leaving them out on their stoops or in open cars for someone to steal. The story was though that said garbage would disappear in 5 minutes!
Yes, I think that would work here as well. It wouldn't be very nice, though, if you mixed up the gift you got for your wife with the rubbish. Just when she unwraps her gift expecting a nice dress or something, out pop putrid bits of rubbish. "Um, darling, at least it's organic," you could try saying.

On second thoughts, maybe not.
amit varma, 11:44 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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