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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Not the Trilok Gurtu kind

The Hindustan Times reports:
Female students at the King George's Medical University in Lucknow are finding it difficult to stay abreast of their lessons after an Assistant Professor created a scandal by asking them to drop their aprons.

While Chief Medical Superintendent Dr Ram Kant insists all the professor wanted to do was teach, the girls are furious that they were asked to become models for demonstrating 'percussion'.
Apparently, "percussion is a medical practice in which the infected part of the patient's body is hit with fingers while pressing it with the other hand to diagnose puss [sic] formation." And the experts said that it is not necessary for students of nutrition, as these girls are, to know this technique.

Hmm. And it isn't just the behaviour of the teacher that shows what a repressed society we live in, but also the fact that the girls are "unwilling to give anything in writing for fear they will be asked to leave the course by their parents."
amit varma, 5:28 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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