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Thursday, June 16, 2005
21st century India
Parts of Pakistan may be stuck in a time warp a couple of centuries old; well, so are parts of India. The BBC reports:
Of course, the cops have taken a different view of the case, and one can't generalise about India from this one incident. But while this is an extreme case, it remains true that the rule of law works best in India as a tool of harrassment. Especially when it comes to women.
An Indian woman who was allegedly raped by her father-in-law is now being ordered by a Muslim council of community elders to marry him.The message this sends out is this: all you have to do to nullify a woman's marriage is rape her. The worst that can happen to you is that you'll be forced to marry your victim.
The council says under Islamic law the rape has nullified her marriage, according to media reports.
When the incident came to the notice of the council, it ordered that she marry her father-in-law and change her relationship with her husband to that between a mother and son.
Of course, the cops have taken a different view of the case, and one can't generalise about India from this one incident. But while this is an extreme case, it remains true that the rule of law works best in India as a tool of harrassment. Especially when it comes to women.