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Monday, May 23, 2005

And then there were 17

A fine time was had yesterday at the May Mumbai Bloggers Meet. As many as 17 people turned up, a record turnout for us, though less than the 20 people who turned up at a Bangalore meet – though it must be noted that those guys had help from Chennai.

For the first time in a Mumbai bloggers meet, I wasn't the one with the longest hair. Three people had hair longer than mine. All three were women, which brings us to the other delightful aspect of the meet: there were as many as four ladies present, another record for us. They were, in alphabetical order of first name:

Charukesi Ramadurai
Harini Calamur
Rashmi Bansal
Rohini Kapur

And the members of the weaker sex:

Aadisht Khanna
Amit Varma
Anand of Locana
Devendra Gera
Dilip D'Souza
Gaurav Sabnis
Nandan Pandit
Ravikiran Rao
Rohit Gupta
Saket Vaidya
Sudheer Narayan
Vikrum Sequeira
Yazad Jal

Aadisht has an account of the proceedings here.

One of the problems with such large gatherings is that I inevitably wish I had spent more time with some of the bloggers I met for the first time, but had read often before this. With so many people, conversation can sometimes be disjointed, attention diffused. And it's difficult to get up and drag oneself away. I left home at 1.30pm, reached the venue at 2.55, and was with bloggers with 11.30, reaching home at midnight. Many of the bloggers left after a couple of hours, but some of us hung around till the sun went down. Drinks were had at Leo's, where the colour of your skin determines the speed of service. Dinner was planned. Bade Mia was crowded so a place called Alps was visited, where sizzlers were tried out. Africans watched football in a smoky room, and our eyes burnt in an onion haze. Consumption of cow happened.

Enough passive voice. I've been given the arduous responsibility of organising next month's blog meet, and it will be announced on this blog. Watch this space.
amit varma, 3:29 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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