India Uncut

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Monday, May 23, 2005

Google News. Edit me. Edit me.

Far too many blogspot blogs that I come across have a blogroll that looks like this:
Hmm. This is the default setting for many Blogger templates, and if you let it stay, either you're being lazy, or you simply don't like anything else on the internet. Not good. Click on that "edit me" link, mess around with your template, build a blogroll of all the sites you enjoy reading. Either you could do it manually – as I have – or you could use blogrolling, or other such software.

My policy on linking: if you send your readers to good places, they will value you for it, and will come back for more. Linking empowers your readers – so (blog)roll with it.
amit varma, 2:30 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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