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Monday, May 23, 2005

Chuck that baby like a javelin

The Bihar assembly has been dissolved, with the sound motive of "prevent[ing] horse-trading in the state". This Rediff report states that the governor of Bihar, Buta Singh, has "recommended dissolution of the assembly since unconstitutional, illegal and unexpected developments were taking place in the state."

Now, under the circumstances it's probably the right thing to do. But consider this: if employees of a bank were found to be corrupt, would you shut down the bank? If kids in an orphanage were found to be ill-treated, would you close the orphanage and put the kids out on the street? And, to misuse old imagery, would you hurl out the baby with all the force in your gym-toned triceps if the bathwater had ajinomoto in it?

The problem here is one of law-enforcement, and of politicians being both above the law and devoid of integrity. Dissolving the assembly recognises the symptom. The disease festers.
amit varma, 11:34 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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