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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

From threesome to lonesome

I like the twist in this story: Dude decides he wants to have a threesome. His girlfriend agrees, but on the condition that he builds a website that gets five million hits. He makes that offer the basis of his website, which then gets five million hits. The threesome duly takes place.

And then the girlfriend dumps the dude for the other girl in the threesome.

Yeah, funny, but it's also sad in the way that the relationship disintegrated. "As soon as we'd had the threesome I knew it was a mistake," said the dude, former cricketer Richard Green. "I just couldn't trust her any more."

Katie Greenwood, the girlfriend in question, said that after the threesome "
he became a nightmare. I couldn't even go to the shop without him following, thinking I was seeing someone."

There's something universal in that story. Girl just wants to make guy happy. Guy gives too much importance to the sexual act. Things fall apart.

(Link via email from Lahar, who writes about it here.)
amit varma, 3:58 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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