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Sunday, September 10, 2006

For old time's sake?

Atal Bihari Vajpayee is worried of being left behind by his party. In a BJP conclave that just got over, he made the banal comment:
There is a difference between old things and people. Things are thrown away when they become old, but the elder people are not cast away. Their role remains important.
I'm surprised he didn't invoke the respect given to elders in Indian culture in his plea to still be considered relevant. I'm not suggesting, mind you, that Vajpayee should quit politics because of his age. (He's a spring-chickeny 81, but then, Manmohan is almost 74, and Indian politicans die hard.) But wasn't there a more dignified way of asserting his relevance? Something on the lines of "This is my vision, let me lead you." Where did this pathetic "old things and people" line come from?

And no doubt he'll throw a tantrum when he reads today's papers and demand an honorary degree from Cambridge and a statue in Shanghai.
amit varma, 3:22 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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