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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Religion, democracy and freedom

BBC reports:
The High Court in the Indian state of Kerala has cancelled the election of PC Thomas to the national parliament. [...] [I]n a landmark judgement the court ruled that he had broken the law by appealing to the electorate to vote for him on religious grounds.
An image of LK Advani, AB Vajpayee and Narendra Modi sitting together and giggling comes to mind, but let that pass. I have just one question: What kind of a democracy restricts the issues that a candidate can campaign on? Much as I despise organised religion, and wish that substantive issues decided elections, Mr Thomas has the right to campaign on the basis of whatever he wants, as long as he is not inciting violence or something. Such a restriction, in my humble view (or imhv, as they'd surely say on IM), is anti-freedom, and therefore wrong.

And will those three buggers please stop giggling? My imagination worries me sometimes.

(Link via email from Anand Krishnamoorthi.)
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