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Friday, September 15, 2006
Manmohan Singh goes mile-high
No, no, not for this, but to celebrate his wedding anniversary.
I heard Manmohan Singh and George Bush had a conversation recently (their first after this one):
I heard Manmohan Singh and George Bush had a conversation recently (their first after this one):
Bush: Hey, Manmotor, what're you doing to celebrate your wedding anniversary? Bring your wife to Texas, I'll lend you some non-aligned horses?
Manmohan: Mr Bush, it's Manmohan, not Manmotor. And no, I'm not coming to Texas.
Bush: Going on a second honeymoon to that Kovalamp place then, Manmouth?
Manmohan: Mr Bush, Manmohan, not Manmouth. And Kovalam, not Kovalamp. And no, I'm not going there.
Bush: Quiet evening at home then, Manmortgage?
Manmohan: Manmohan, not Manmortgage. No, not at home.
Bush: Dinner? You'll take her to dinner, Manmaori?
Manmohan: Manmohan, not Manmaori. No, not dinner.
Bush: Then what're you planning, Manmohan?
Manmohan: Manmohan, not Manmo... oh, good, good. [Pause.] Actually, we're just going to get high.