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Friday, September 15, 2006

Who will watch the dog?

Reuters reports that "[a] policeman charged with guarding industrial plants in West Bengal has had his salary cut for failing to stop his guard dog from becoming pregnant." Apparently the guard dog the cop was supposed to watch "mated with a stray and gave birth to 10 puppies." The DIG in charge has been quoted as saying:
It is a very sensitive issue in our department. The Labrador could not carry out her duties properly during her pregnancy and at time of delivery she was on leave.
Sigh. Desire comes and all, what's a doggie to do? In my mind's cinematic eye, I see a long shot of an industrial plant, with a cop and a dog sitting outside. Suddenly, the dog rushes off. The cop follows it. Shadowy figures slink into the complex. A wipe happens. The industrial plant is missing. And the dog is sitting around, sulking.

Then the DIG comes and grabs hold of it. "Have you been faithful to me, darling?" he asks.

(Link via email from Ravikiran.)

Update: Now, this is a somewhat more serious dereliction of duty.
amit varma, 12:34 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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