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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Devin Moore --> Kimveer Gill

A young man in Canada named Kimveer Gill writes his profile on a goth site, He uses the handle Fatality666 (now seemingly deleted), and his list of 'likes' includes "Super Psycho Maniacs roaming the streets freely." Much of his writing is incoherent and rambly, and somewhere there is the line, "Life is a video game, you've got to die sometime."

Sounds familiar? Well, those are the words Devin Moore used three years ago at a police station after shooting three Alabama policemen. "Life is a video game, you've got to die sometime." And yesterday, Kimveer Gill went on a shooting spree at Dawson College, Montreal, killing one person and wounding 20.

Metblogger Jay, who works at Dawson, has an account of it here (link via Metblogs email from Sean Bonner; more eyewitness accounts here), and you can read more about what Gill wrote on that website profile here. Scary stuff, but trust me, I knew many, many teenagers in college who'd talk like that and act all tough. It's mostly just bluster and pose, and you never, ever know which one of them is going to pick up a gun one day -- until he does.

Update: Here's a cache Of Gill's profile. (Via Boing Boing.)
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