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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Pan-roasted Halibut on Clinton China

Part of the menu for Manmohan Singh.

I can just imagine this scene:
Bush: Hey, Mandarin, see this! (Drops a plate on the floor. It breaks.)
Manmohan: Um, Mr Bush, it's Manmohan not Mandarin.
Bush: Sari, Manmoham. See this! (Drops a plate on the floor. It breaks.)
Manmohan: Um, Mr Bush, it's Manmohan, not Manmoham. I'm not a pig.
Bush: Sari, Manmanmo. See this! (Drops a plate on the floor. It breaks.)
Manmohan: Um, Mr Bush, it's Manmohan, not Manmanmo.
Bush: (Turns to Condi) Hey, Condo, this guy's got an even tougher name than that general fellow. Maybe we should just have called Sophia instead of Manmotor.
Manmohan: Um, Mr Bush, it's Manmohan, not Manmotor. And it's Sonia, not Sophia.
Bush: Ok, ok, for the last time, see this. (Drops a plate on the floor. It breaks.)
Manmohan: Um, Mr Bush, what exactly are you doing?
Bush: Can't you see, Manmoslem? I'm breaking Clinton. And I'm smashing China at the same time. Har har har.
Well, I presume the next president will have bushes in his garden, so what's wrong with Clinton China?
amit varma, 1:17 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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