India Uncut

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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Spam, God, and pondy

I just love it when spammers invoke God. As in this bit from the email reproduced here:
I so much believe that God woud use you to financialy come to my rescuse! [Sic.]
Yeah, God can't do it herself because she doesn't have a bank account. I mean, imagine God going to a bank to open an account:
Customer Service Person: Yes ma'am, how can we help you?
God: That's an ironical question, my child. Anyway, I need to open an account with you.
CSP: No problem, ma'am, just fill out this form. Once we do an address verification, we shall activate your account.
God: Address verification?
CSP: Yes ma'am. We'll have to send someone over to where you stay to verify that you really do live there.
God: You want me to tell you where I stay?
CSP: Um, yes ma'am, we need that. Why, you don't want to tell us?
God: No, I could tell you... but first, I'd have to kill you.
Aw, okay, never mind. I know I shouldn't be making fun of God. She might just get upset and turn my blog into a pondy-talk site or something, like this. Not advisable.

And ah, that spam link is great fun, it features a series of emails in which the spammer is taken on a wild goose chase, something know as spambaiting. ("Whilst you are doing this, you will be helping to keep the scammers away from real potential victims and screwing around with the minds of deserving thieves.") Most delightful.

(Spambait link via email from Devangshu, Pornolize link via email from Ken. Hate those poker ads in the Pornolizer, though, most intrusive.)
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