India Uncut

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Isn't it ironic...

... that you have immigrants suing to get into the USA? Just for that they should let them in.

"Yeah, we believe in the American dream," they'll say as they saunter in. "Where're the lawyers?"

(Link via email from Sameer.)

Update: KM writes in:
About that "immigrants suing to get in" post - it should be clarified that these are people who are already living in the US as Green Card holders (permanent residents.) It's not like they are "aliens" who are waiting to enter the country. The govt. would not give a rodent's ass for their lawsuits, of course.
Good point. Careless blogging (by me). Tsk tsk.
amit varma, 12:36 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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