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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Burning balls of fire

I wonder what made Suresh Chandra Maity conceive of punishment like this. A schoolboy complained that he was playing with three standard V girls when they "banged his head against a wall." This teacher called the girls to the teachers room. This followed:
Maity then made three paper-balls, placed them on their hands and set them on fire.

"Whoever is guilty will throw the balls," Suresh told them. This happened in front of three other teachers who did nothing to stop him.

Anushree and Bilkis panicked and dropped the paper-balls. Halima froze in fright and clutched it tightly, burning her hand till above her wrist.
And before this (!), the article described what happened next:
What followed was worse. The three were made to wait in the teachers' room while their parents were called. No first aid, no medicine for the sobbing Halima. For one-and-a-half hours, she waited in agony.
Obviously the law must take its course, but a part of me would like to see Maity backed up against a wall by the six parents concerned.

Parent 1: You like balls of fire, don't you?

Parent 2: We'll give you balls of fire alright.

Maity: What, what're you going to do with me?

Parent 3: [Whipping out a can of kerosene as the other parents whip out lighters] We're going to give you what you want, and make sure that every time you sit down in your life, you think of us.

No, no, I'm just joking, I'm quite against tribal justice. And as for the boy who complained about his head and a wall, lemme advise him that when he grows up, he will be banging his head against walls all the time when it comes to women. Better get used to it, boy.
amit varma, 1:52 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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