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Monday, August 28, 2006

Bob Dylan, "that little toad"

Here's a charming little nugget from a review of Bob Dylan: The Essential Interviews, by Louis Menand in the New Yorker:
The first time Joan Baez heard Dylan sing one of his own songs—he played “With God on Our Side” for her—she was floored. “I never thought anything so powerful could come out of that little toad,” she said. She proceeded to fall madly in love with him, and bought him a toothbrush.
Dylan wasn't the most fun man to interview, as Menand explains in his review. And his latest crib, as Oliver Burkeman writes in the Guardian, is about the acoustics of modern recordings. Burkemann quotes Dylan as telling Jonathan Lethem, "I don't know anybody who's made a record that sounds decent in the past 20 years, really."

Is he just being provocative, or does he really mean that? The answer is blowing you know where.
amit varma, 6:27 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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