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Monday, August 28, 2006

So what is the world interested in?

WikiCharts are one way of finding out.

There's some fascinating stuff there, and at the time of blogging this, "List of Sex Positions," "Pornography," and "Sexual Intercourse" are Nos. 8 to 10. In order to understand my fellow humans, I suppose I must now persuse these pages. How tiresome.

Also, right now Eric Clapton is the highest musician in that list. Strange that he doesn't figure in the top ten of this recent list of greatest guitar solos ever, I'd have thought his solo in Crossroads would be a shoo-in there. And there's no album I like more for the guitaring in it than "Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs", by Derek and the Dominos, where Clapton and Duane Allman serve up some sublime stuff. Immense nostalgia comes.
amit varma, 4:17 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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