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Monday, August 28, 2006

Pakistan minister justifies marital rape

An ANI story quotes Aamir Liaqat Hussain, Pakistan's "federal Minister of State for Religious Affairs," as saying that it was "un-Islamic to stop husbands from having sex with their wives even if they were doing so without their consent."

India has plenty of ministries that simply shouldn't exist, but boy, am I glad that we don't have a minister for "religious affairs." Religion and nationalism are two of the biggest threats to individual freedom, and the more importance you give them, the less freedom there inevitably is in a country.

That news piece, by the by, is about a lady named Kashmala Tariq who has said that "married women in her country should not be treated like 'buffaloes' when it comes to men forcing sex on them." Well, most men don't force sex on buffaloes, but I'm sure you get her point. More power to Tariq and her kind.
amit varma, 2:08 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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