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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Good conduct?

DNA reports:
How would you feel if your boss were to demand a promise of good conduct before granting you leave to go on a pilgrimage?

Outraged? But that is what Lata Sanap, education officer with the Thane Municipal Corporation, did when she received an application from an assistant teacher in a municipal school asking for leave to perform the Hajj. When Nafisa Sheikh (name changed) applied for leave on November 16, 2005, Sanap wrote back demanding that she give an undertaking on Rs20 stamp paper that saying she would not indulge in any anti-national activity while on leave.
Needless to to say, had "Nafisa Sheikh (name changed)" been Supriya Kolhatkar (name made up) wanting to go to Varanasi, such an undertaking would definately not have been asked for. I am rather amused that Ms Jagtap is an "education officer." I am less amused that her salary comes from the taxes I pay. Most of it is wasted anyway, so I suppose I shouldn't be too upset about this.

(Link via email from reader Zulfiquar Ali Khan.)
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