India Uncut

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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Pet dragon sold to Times of India

Don't you just love the Senile Sweety of Boribunder? Today the Times of India has carried a story about how, due to the wonders of biochemistry, we can soon have our own pet dragon or unicorn or suchlike. This is taken from the Economist, which carried it in its April 1 issue. Obviously it's a joke, as the Economist reveals here. But zestful ToI carries it in all seriousness on April 2, and no doubt the Indiatimes marketing chaps have been sent out, as I type these words, to do an affiliate deal to sell these dragons on their website. Such fun.

(Links via email from Akshay Mahajan, whose remarkable photo essay on Dharavi you surely must have seen by now. I can't remember the last time I saw something as good in our mainstream media.)
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