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Monday, September 05, 2005

A message for the Page 3 crowd

Krishna Moorthy puts it well: "[T]ake your Kenny and shove it up your G, ji."

There are some nice memories of Independence Rock in his post. Yes, I have some as well. My first published article, if I remember correctly, was on I-Rock '96 (or was it '95?) in the Rock Street Journal. (Anybody remember Mr Joshi?) Pentagram and Parikrama performed, I slammed Pentagram's performance, and in the next issue there were three letters about my article: two berated me for slamming Pentagram, while the third was from Vishal Dadlani, their vocalist, who wrote that my criticism had been right on. Yes, he was a pretty mean act on stage, but a gracious fellow off it.

And now I'm feeling old, so enough of this post.
amit varma, 7:44 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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