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Monday, September 05, 2005
Drink and drive
PTI reports that "[a] California-based company has produced a portable fuel cell, which requires just half-a-litre of alcohol per day to power a laptop computer."
Of course, just in case you get carried away and consume this source of power, here's another one that will naturally emerge.
Update: Yes, yes, I know it's methanol we're talking about, and you can't drink that. I was just amused by the headline and first para of the piece and was playing around with that. I can play, can't I?
Of course, just in case you get carried away and consume this source of power, here's another one that will naturally emerge.
Update: Yes, yes, I know it's methanol we're talking about, and you can't drink that. I was just amused by the headline and first para of the piece and was playing around with that. I can play, can't I?