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Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sunday Bloggy Sunday

Another wonderful blogmeet took place today, taking a combined eight hours of my time, which could hardly have been better spent. (I had lunch with two bloggers before the meet, and dinner afterwards with four others.) An excellent time was had. A total of 12 people turned up. Here are those who attended, ladies first (alphabetic order of first name):

Seema Ramachandra
Sonia Faleiro
Zainab Bawa

And the riff-raff:

Amit Varma
Chandrahas Choudhury
Mandar Talvekar
Nandan Pandit
Saket Vaidya
Sameer Gharat
Rahul Bhatia
Ravikiran Rao
Yazad Jal

This was Sonia's first blogmeet, and she dropped pearls of wisdom about freelance journalism to three others in that boat. Rahul had his unslender feet repeatedly pulled by all near him, and emitted smiles that were, remarkably, both sweet and enigmatic. (Mona Lisa only managed one of those.) Yazad told everyone how he admired Arundhati Roy's "enchanting" prose, and Chandrahas tried to talk him out of it, while leaving space for a contrary view. Zainab did not bring her guitar, but she didn't leave early either, so that's ok.

Saket and Nandan had a long chat about HR (human resources) people, in which Saket essentially said that all HR people are useless, and Nandan agreed, but with the insertion of an exception: himself. Sameer gave some useful technical advice on how to back-up Blogger posts. Ravikiran had coffees that were neither Ethopian nor Qahwah. And Seema, whose first blogmeet this was, did not have any of the hara bhara kababs she ordered. Kababs? No, kabobs. So there.

Other accounts of the blogmeet will be linked here as they are made. To begin with, here's Sonia's tale. And more accounts from Mandar, Saket, Rahul and Sameer.

Accounts of previous blogmeets (in chronological order): 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
amit varma, 11:57 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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