India Uncut

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Sunday, June 12, 2005

No nine-to-five for Mr Mulchandani

Mid Day carries an interview of Kishin Mulchandani, the face of Mumbai's Page 3 circuit – though I'm not sure that's something to be proud of – in which he says something remarkable that I'm still struggling to fathom. He says:
The 12-year-olds are ready to do anything these days! When you are young, and your uncles and aunties make you sit on their lap, and keep rubbing you, how can you tell they have sex on their minds or not? You might think they love the child.
And later he says, about his prolific party-going:
I have chosen to have a blast. People can think what they want. I have no time to feel lonely. These comments are made by people who are not invited to parties! These disgusting people are born to do a nine-to-five job, and if that’s their destiny, what can I do about it?
Sigh. And these are our "celebrities".
amit varma, 8:38 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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