India Uncut

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Sunday, June 12, 2005

Blogmeets and URLs

Ramya Kannan, who runs a nifty blog while also working for the Hindu, has a nice article today on blogmeets across India: Blogger's Park. It's a refreshing article for two reasons: one, it actually gives URLs of the bloggers it mentions, which many MSM articles on blogs often don't do; two, it is written by a blogger, who has an inside view of what she is talking about. Also, some of my friends (MadMan, Suman, Ammani, Ravages) are quoted, which is always nice.

And a reminder: Mumbai's bloggers have a meet coming up this month. If you blog and will be in town on that day, please do come.
amit varma, 7:26 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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