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Friday, May 13, 2005

Will the accused please wake up?

Don't you just love Salman Khan? Mid Day reports:
Salman Khan dozed off thrice during his court appearance in the 2001 hit-and-run case yesterday. Salman arrived in the Bandra court at 2.45 pm with father Salim, sister Alvira and two friends after a grueling overnight shoot.

The hearing began at 3.10 pm. By 3.25 pm, Salman was already in the midst of his first nap.

Not only did the accused fall asleep, the prosecutor couldn't enter the courtroom. The reports says:
Hundreds of people gathered outside the court for a glimpse of Salman. There was heavy police security outside, and entry to the court was restricted.

Even public prosecutor, Yohan Makasare, was initially prevented from entering.

"The cops did not recognise me and refused me entry. Finally, one of my assistants managed to convince them that I am the public prosecutor," said Makasare.

The film Salman was shooting for was Marigold, directed by Willard Carroll. Carroll told the Indian Express recently that one of Salman's conditions for doing the film was that he wouldn't have to kiss the leading lady. What a guy.
amit varma, 11:56 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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