India Uncut

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Friday, May 13, 2005


My eyes fairly popped out when I read these words from Roger Kimball about a correspondent he referred to as "Ms. Sari-in-a-twist":
As for colonialism, this third-world feminist of color should get down on her knees and thank Siva that her country was the beneficiary of British colonialism. Without it, she would never have heard of feminism or even of the third world, since the very concept depends upon the freedom, education, and language that the West brought to savages countries in the 18th and 19th centuries. India is such an economic powerhouse today because of the legacy bequeathed by her former colonial rulers--a legacy that includes Western technology, the rule of law, better health and hygiene, education, and democracy. It also includes the absence of certain things--suttee, for example...

Ok, my eyes have popped back in. I must thank Siva for that. What's his number?

(Link via email from Michael Higgins, who got it via Powerline; what a tangled web we weave.)
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