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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Natural craving and legal rights

The Times of India brings us details of Arun Nayar's divorce petition against Valentina Pedroni, and one of his main complaints against Pedroni, besides her excessive shopping, is her "deliberate and constant refusal to satisfy his natural craving and legal rights to have a child."

What on earth is this about? I understand that he might have a "natural craving", but refusing to satisfy all his natural cravings is surely not grounds for divorce. And does he really have "legal rights" to have a child that she cannot deny? If so, it would mean that getting married in India implicitly ties the woman down to having a child, regardless of her own wish in this manner. One more archaic law that needs to be changed.

And I can imagine Nayar going to his current paramour, Liz Hurley, after marriage and saying, "turn around now darling, I want to whip you."

"What rubbish, Arun," she shoots back. "When I was with Hugh, I'd do all the whipping. You can't whip me!"

"But it's my natural craving," says Nayar, "and therefore the basis for a legal right. So turn around please."

See, how absurd it is.
amit varma, 9:51 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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