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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Commie comedy

JK of Varnam writes about a Communist dance with Coke in Kerela. It's about how EK Nayanar's government sanctions a Coke plant in the state, and what happens next.
So the Coke plant started in Kerala and they started pumping water to make the carbonated water. Then suddenly some other Commies realized that a) People were working hard and earning a living b) This means they are being exploited. The Commie brigade got into action and accused the Coke plant of depriving the land of precious water. I think the Coke officials asked the Commies a way to produce Coke without using water, but the Party has an official ban against laughing at bourgeoisie jokes.

amit varma, 11:29 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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