India Uncut

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Friday, April 15, 2005

Raising the blogging bar

I am humbled and edified by the outstanding start that Chandrahas Choudhury, my new co-blogger on The Middle Stage, has made to his blogging career, if one may call it that. Read, in particular, these three posts: "The magic of Cather", "Constantine Cavafy's city", and "The world of Nazneen".

I love the way in which in three or four short paragraphs he manages to convey the essence of a book to us. He shows, not tells, with the skillful use of a relevant excerpt; having distilled the essential quality of a book or writer, he places it in perspective with other art; he links to other reading material, thus empowering the reader to discover more on his or her own. And I have yet to read anything he has written about a book without being seized by an urge to go out and buy it right away.

This places a problem for me now, but one that I am looking forward to: when I resume blogging on The Middle Stage, sometime next week, I'll have to lift my writing up to higher than what it used to be on that blog. That is a good thing. The bar has been raised, and I shall have to lift myself. What fun.
amit varma, 4:49 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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