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Friday, April 15, 2005

Lawless in Bihar

A Press Trust of India story reveals that there is "a murder almost every two hours [...] eight kidnappings and three rapes a day" in Bihar. These, of course, are only the recorded cases. It also reports that there are just 0.65 policemen for every thousand people in the state, one of the lowest such ratios in the country.

So if you're in Bihar and you go to report a murder or a rape, don't be surprised if you come across a headless policeman? "What is this," you will ask, "why are you headless?"

"Oh, I'm only .65 of a policeman," the reply will come from somewhere, "the .35 that is missing is my head and my integrity. Now what is it you said you wanted? You want me to arrange a kidnapping for you?"
amit varma, 5:03 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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