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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

My Brother Nikhil

I won't launch into a full-blooded review of the film, which was a sincere effort with a lot to recommend it, though simplistic in parts. But what I liked most about the film was the way the gay characters were portrayed: as completely normal, likable people, just like you and me. (Ok, just like you; I'm not that likable.) Sanjay Suri and Purab Kohli both acted wonderfully, with nothing in their performance indicating their sexual preference. No other Indian film I've seen has done this, and most gays in Bollywood films invariably have a pansy accent and effiminate mannerisms. Just for this, well done, Onir.

Postcript: Rahul, with whom I saw the film, sends an sms saying: "Interesting. No one's going around stoning theaters that show My Brother Nikhil like they did when Fire came out." Good point. But don't imagine for a second that India's anywhere close to accepting homesexuality as something as normal as left-handedness. People still gawk at me when I tell them I support gay marriage. "Oh, he's just being provocative as usual," one girl trilled to her boyfriend, waving her slender hand dismissively.
amit varma, 7:41 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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