India Uncut

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Thursday, March 03, 2005

How's your Hindi?

A friend of mine, a Mumbai-based correspondent for a foreign newspaper, is looking for someone who can help him with Hindi translation. He needs someone who can go around with him once in a while as he speaks to people who only know Hindi. Knowledge of Marathi will be a bonus, but isn't a must.

If you're a young journalist in Mumbai, or a student studying mass communication, this is a good opportunity for you, as you'll get to go around with a first-rate journalist and observe him on the job. It'll be a paid gig, and the pocket money could be handy. I would have jumped at such a chance 12 years ago.

In case you're interested, write to me, and I'll forward your mail to my friend.
amit varma, 11:42 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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