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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Pissing off the cows

They may be out of power, but they still care for the country. The BJP has started selling a new line of medicines to cure a variety of diseases, "from cancer to hysteria to piles". And, reports the Times of India, they are all made from either cow urine or cow dung.

These products are being sold out of a souvenir shop at the BJP headquarters in New Delhi. The report says:
"You won't believe how quickly some of the products sold out," says Manoj Kumar, who runs the souvenir shop along with his brother, Sanjeev, at the BJP headquarters in a plush central New Delhi neighbourhood.

"The constipation medicine is a hot seller."

But the biggest seller is a "multi-utility pill" that claims to cure anything from diabetes to piles to "ladies' diseases".

"It's a miraculous cure" the container declares. A month's supply costs a little over $1.

Another cure-all is Sanjivani Ark, a liquid medicine that battles cancer, hysteria, and irregular periods, among other things.

In addition to medicines, the goratna products range from cow dung toothpaste, to detergents, a skin-whitening cream, baldness and obesity cures, soap and a cow urine "antiseptic aftershave".

So if you, beloved reader, are a cow in that part of the country, your workload just got much worse. Not only do you get your udders manhandled every morning, but you'll have BJP men following you around with buckets waiting for you to answer nature's call. Well, I don't know if it helps, but the next time that BJP fellow positions his bucket just when you're enjoying that private moment, remember, you're his mother.
amit varma, 7:04 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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