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Friday, February 25, 2005

Shoaib and the girls

Indiatimes.com has this rather bizarre feature headlined: "Which Pak Cricketer Would You Date?" In it, Shoaib Akhtar reveals:
I have thousands of girlfriends – although I suppose I should just call them friends. I think they are little more than fans.

Once I had to change my Telephone number 20 times because they [female fans] got hold of it. It’s absolute madness in Pakistan. If I go out all the women rush towards me in order to have a chat, they grab me and at times even tear off my clothes.

Nice stuff, especially the bit about his clothes being torn off. Imagine a naked Shoaib running through the streets of Karachi chased by 50 crazed women, scraps of his clothing still sticking to their bloodied hands. He runs, they run, and then they all jump up in the air and chuck.
amit varma, 12:38 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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