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Thursday, February 24, 2005

One for the road?

You'd imagine that any danger that comes from being on the road, whether as a driver or a pedestrian, comes from the other people on it, who may be driving rashly or getting in your way. But in India, you don't need people on a road for it to be a danger. Mid Day reports that a lady named Vandana Madvi fractured her arm because of "a bumpy ride from Mumbai to Nashik". (There must be doctors among you who are thinking, "Fracture? Impossible. Show me the X-ray." Well, the report has a picture of the X-ray as well!)

Spurred to action by Madvi's fracture, an activist named Kewal Semlani wrote a letter to the Mumbai high court. The court, treating the letter as a public interest litigation, has "hauled up three government bodies responsible for the state of our roads". Read more on this here. Scrolling down to the bottom of that page will give you a list of ways in which the road could harm you.
amit varma, 3:47 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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